
Start: 08:30

Approval of the agenda

Elections of the Credentials and Resolutions Committees

UNI Europa Women’s Activities

Report of the Credentials Committee

UNI Europa Women’s rules - Presentation

Motion: Strategic Priorities

1. Violence and economic inequalities
2. Health inequalities
3. Digitalisation



End: 15:30

Start: 10:00

Registration and technical support

Instructions on the platform's functionality.

End: 11:00

Start: 11:00

Opening Ceremony

Speaker: Pierre-Yves Dermagne, Belgian Minister for Labour and Economy

End: 12:00


1. Opening of the Conference

• Adoption of the Agenda and Standing Orders
• Election of the Credentials Committee and Resolutions Committee
• Obituaries

- Ana Mendes Godinho, Portuguese Minister of Labour, Solidarity and
Social Security on “Achieving a more Social Europe together”

End: 12:40

Start: 12:40

Lunch break

End: 14:10

Start: 14:10

2. Forward Through Collective Bargaining

“Forward Through Collective Bargaining” is the theme of the 5th UNI Europa Conference. It is grounded in UNI Europa’s belief that collective bargaining is
at the very core of democratic societies and social progress. Collective
bargaining is about the ability of workers to shape their own working lives
collectively and have a real say in their workplaces.

• Report of the Credentials Committee
• Report on Activities and Way Forward by Regional Secretary
• Adoption of Motion 1A: “Forward Through Collective Bargaining -

End: 15:00

Start: 15:00


End: 15:15

Start: 15:15

3. Financial Report and Auditors’ Report

• Adoption of the financial report and auditors’ report
• Adoption of Motion 7 on Affiliation fees

End: 16:00

Start: 16:00

4. Changes to the UNI Europa Statutes

• Adoption of Motion 5 “Changes to Art. 9 of the UNI Europa Statutes
(Composition of the Executive Committee)”
• Adoption of Motion 6 “Equal representation in UNI Europa decision-making

End: 16:45

Start: 10:00

5. Forward Through Collective Bargaining: Organising

End: 11:25

Start: 11:25


End: 11:40

Start: 11:40

6. Covid-19 Crisis

End: 12:50

Start: 12:50

Forward Through Collective Bargaining and the global dimension

End: 13:00

Start: 13:00

Lunch break

End: 14:00

Start: 14:00

7. Forward Through Collective Bargaining: EU Law & Policies

Digital Action at 16:00

End: 16:15

Start: 16:15


End: 16:30

Start: 16:30

8. Nomination speeches

End: 16:45

Start: 10:00

9. Forward Through Collective Bargaining: Multinational Companies

End: 11:15

Start: 11:15


End: 11:30

Start: 11:30

10. Elections

End: 12:00

Start: 12:00

11. Other Motions

End: 12:50

Start: 12:50

12. Any Other Business

End: 13:00

Start: 13:00

Closing Ceremony

End: 13:30